Arriving at the Sonoma International Film Festival 2013.
BROKEN screening to a Full House at SIFF 2013.
Alexa and Brad during the Q & A following the first screening of BROKEN at SIFF 2013
Alexa and Brad with Alexa's dad, Mel, Allan Wylie and Syd and Aviva Field at the SIFF Filmmakers Mixer at the Hopmonk Tavern.
Attending the New Belgium Brewmaster dinner at SIFF 2013.
Alexa and Brad on the Red Carpet.
Alexa with Aviva Field.
Hanging out with Cat Smith who interviewed Alexa from 'Hollywood and West Napa Street.'
Alexa and Brad getting ready for the BROKEN screening at Big Island Film Festival 2013
Chocolate decadence at BIFF 2013
One of the many food stations at the BIFF industry mixer
Alexa and Brad on the grounds of the Fairmont Orchid
Alexa and Brad w/ Vincent Kartheiser (MAD MEN) at his honorary reception
Alexa and Brad w/ Vincent Kartheiser (MAD MEN) at his honorary reception
Cocktail Party BIFF 2013 at the Fairmont Orchid
The filmmakers at BIFF 2013
BIFF Best of the Festival closing night concert featuring HAPA
Alexa and Brad enjoying the musical talents of HAPA at the BIFF Best of the Fest Closing Night Celebrations